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Hi there! You need to complete the assessment and generate your scores per section in order to fill out this consult form. You can fin...

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Assess Your Competency in Just 30 days!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY THREE

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.
Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART ONE - Factor x - Knowledge

At evaluations you…
make an extra effort to obtain higher rating
prepare with past evaluations
just revise  all work done
require a tutor to help you pass
have to cheat to pass

When do you stop preparing for an evaluation?
A week before
Three days before
24 hours before
The morning of the assessment
Just before the commencement of the assessment 

Anxiety at evaluations..
does not apply to  you
brings out the best in you
makes you sober
makes you forgetful
brings out the worse in you

After an assessment you…
seek out solutions to difficult problems from an external source
ask your instructor for solutions to difficult problems
review your past work for solutions to difficult problems
ask your colleagues for solutions to difficult problems
just forget about the assessment and wait for the grade

At your training, the evaluation process…
is never comprehensive
is highly selective
is so localized
is very extensive
is too numerous

For an evaluation score you…
never panic before it is released
access your score when others are doing same
are impatient to know your grade
get your colleague to access your grade for you
you access your grade when no one is around

Your evaluation ratings are usually…
lower than you expect
a little short of the maximum point 
commensurate to your efforts
requiring a better trial
lucky to have

If you had a grade withheld, it would be…
because you obtained an extraordinary score
an error of omission
a victimization
because you failed badly
because you were caught cheating

The training models used in your evaluation are…
sometimes disputable
sometimes lack solutions
are often standard
very demanding
are hard to understand

For you to pass a test, you will require…
less than half the resource materials or tools
at least half the resource materials or tools
more than half the resource materials or tools
all the resource materials and tools
much more than all the resource materials and tools

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