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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Assess Your Competency in Just 30 days!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY TEN

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.
Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART ONE - Factor x - Knowledge

"What a grey- headed person sees while seated, even a young person standing will not see" means..
the wisdom of the aged gives him/ her a foresight that the young does not know
the wisdom of the aged is only obtained by experience, which the young does not have
the wisdom of the aged is better than the strength of the young
the old person is seated on a stool at the top veranda, while the young person is standing below the veranda
the older person's sight is sharper than the younger person's

'It is the house mouse that tells the bush rat that there is food in the cellar" means.. 
you should look in house to get the source of your problems
your problem is much more than you assess on the outside
your friend could be your enemies' spy
keep your secrets from the house mouse
the bush rat has a dull sense of smell

"If a chicken chases after you in the early morning, beware, it may have grown a tooth overnight" means…
take seriously any challenge from an inferior quarter
do not over look a challenge from an unlikely opposition 
do not accept a challenge from a weaker party
do not offend a hen before going to bed
a hen cannot grow a tooth overnight

"You possess the eyes of an ant" means…
you are greedy
you are not content
you look at other people's fortune
you carry oversized burden
an ant has eyes for large food

"If you see a toad jump out of its pond in the day time, something must be after it" means
be vigilant when you see an unusual occurrence
an unusual occurrence may signify danger
this occurrence is unusual, so investigate it
a snake must be after the toad
the pond may be too hot for the toad

"If you deep a finger in palm oil, the other four fingers get stained" means…
learn to live as a family
no one can live in isolation
what you do affects those around you
there are consequences to every action
palm oil stains very easily

"A child who says his/ her mother will not sleep at night will himself/ herself not sleep" means…
a stubborn child will be disciplined
a troublesome child would have a troubled life
the mother cannot sleep until the child sleeps
the child sleeps at daytime and cries at night
a crying child does not sleep

"At night, not all the children sleep facing the same direction" means…
you should give room for individual differences
not everyone would align to societal norms
some people would go against societal norms
at least one child would face the opposite direction
you should allow the children to sleep the way they want

"The worm that eats the leaf, lives on it" means…
some people take undue advantage of others
the culprit to a crime is close by
this crime was not an outside job
the leaf acts as a shelter to the caterpillar
the green caterpillar feeds on the leaf

"All fingers are not equal" means…
everybody is not at the same level in life
no person should be compared to another
everybody has different abilities
some people are more equal than others
the thumb is the shortest finger

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