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Thursday, 31 December 2015

Get to Know Yourself a Little More!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 11

DAY 11
Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART TWO - Para a - Individuality

You walk by a running tap so you…
rebuke the culprit and demand the tap is turned off
turn off the tap yourself and rebuke the culprit
rebuke the culprit
turn the tap off and walk away
just show disapproval and walk away

You promised to lend your friend an amount of money on a certain date so…
you give the money as promised
you give part of the money and promise to give the remaining part later
you wait for your friend to remind you again before giving the money
you give excuses and postpone the date of giving
you make yourself unreachable on that date

You accidentally broke Junior's toy. So you…
apologize to him/ her and present a new one
apologize to him/ her before it is discovered
wait for it to be discovered before apologizing
wait for it to be discovered then joke about it
joke about it before he/ she finds out

Your friend borrowed some money from a money lender in your name without informing you. The lender wants the money now but he/ she cannot pay back, so you…
pay back the money and let your friend pay you back on your terms
make an alternative payment option with the lender on how your friend will pay back the money in "kind".
get a third party involved in the issue
let your friend face the consequences by law
simply clear your name

You saw Mary take grandma's purse so you…
tell Mary to return it
just watch her and report it
wait for grandma to ask before you report it
report it anonymously
wait for Mary to report herself

You have an unmarked taxi cab. Your friend wants to take it out for quick cash, but you know he/ she cannot drive. So you…
never let him/ her drive without a license
never let him/ her drive without a trainer
never let him/ her drive alone without a learner's permit
never let him/ her drive on a busy trunk A or B road  
never let him/ her drive without your prior knowledge

You borrowed an item from a colleague then… 
you returned it on time in appreciation
you return it late with apologies
you called to inform him/ her it would be returned late
you do not return it until he/ she asks
you lend it to another friend before informing him/ her

You got punished for an offense accidentally committed by your friend. So you…
take the punishment but report the case later
refuse the punishment and report the case immediately
take the punishment and demand an apology from your friend
take the punishment and demand a favor from your friend
take the punishment and avoid your friend for good

You have a task to do, but you know you will not be able to complete it, so you…
ask a friend if he/ she will be able to complete it for you, before you start the task
ask a friend to complete it for you after you have started the task
postpone the task indefinitely
start the task anyway, so that your friend can be forced to complete it
start the task and then leave it half done

You find two siblings in a brawl over an item. So you…
take the item away from both of them
give a similar item to the younger and stop the fight
get them to share the item
flip a coin to see who gets the item
give the item to the younger

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