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20 Free Consultations!!!

Hi there! You need to complete the assessment and generate your scores per section in order to fill out this consult form. You can fin...

Friday, 15 January 2016

20 Free Consultations!!!

Hi there!

You need to complete the assessment and generate your scores per section in order to fill out this consult form. You can find the 300 test questions in the older posts of this page.

Then comment on this post in the format below.

Thank you.

kca Consult Request form

Level of Education:
Age in years:

Sectional Scores
Section 1…..
Section 6…..
Section 11…..
Section 2…..
Section 7…..
Section 12…..
Section 3…..
Section 8…..
Section 13…..
Section 4…..
Section 9…..
Section 14…..
Section 5…..
Section 10…..
Section 15…..

Factor x – Knowledge
Factor y(Unlearned) =
(Parameters(a + b ) )/2
Derived kca Score =
([Factors (x+y) - 0•4])/(1•6 ) X100
= .......%
I agree to the terms and conditions. I am 18 years or above.

Expect a response in one week.
Mary K.


  1. My kca Consult Request

    Level of Education: Graduate education and above
    Country: USA
    Sex: Male
    Age in years: 36 - 45

    Sectional Scores
    Section 1…..31 Section 6…..31 Section 11…..38

    Section 2…..30 Section 7…..28 Section 12…..38

    Section 3…..35 Section 8…..42 Section 13…..38

    Section 4…..37 Section 9…..36 Section 14…..38

    Section 5…..37 Section 10…..40 Section 15…..38

    Factor x – Knowledge
    = 0.5882

    Factor y(Unlearned) =
    (Parameters(a + b ) )/2
    = ( 0.5650 + 0.5025 ) / 2 = 0.5337

    Derived kca Score =
    ([Factors (x+y) - 0•4])/(1•6 ) X100
    = 45%

    Yes I agree to the terms and conditions.

    1. #1

      Hi Guy,

      You have attained a high level of education and this knowledge towers over your unlearned values.

      Your kca score of 45% is on the average and will improve by being flexible on your imbibed life values. Your individuality exceeds your purposefulness.

      You have a strong personal conviction, and very good accountability. Passion, goals and motivation for you is just average, and you suffer a negative influence of your personality type. You however put a higher value on others than on yourself.

      'Mary K.

      N/B: To join the competency improvement programming, contact us.


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