
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Be Amazed By What Drives You!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 21

DAY 21

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of Day 30.

PART THREE - Para b - Purposefulness

You need to go to work but you do not have a clean wear. So you…
buy a new one on the way to work
put on something informal
do a quick laundry and go late to work
ask a colleague to stand in for you
give an excuse for being absent

When you need to use the bathroom urgently what can hold you back?
The urge to win a game
Watching a colorful parade
Catching a bus
An unfamiliar environment
An untidy bathroom

In order to get to work early…
you wake up spontaneously without an alarm
you get someone to wake you up early
you wake up when your alarm rings
you set your alarm to ring twice in the morning
you are often times late to work

Your coach calls you back from suspension to take part in a crucial match the next day. So you…
gladly accept the recall
accept the recall with some personal requests 
accept the recall on your terms
decline the recall with some excuses
Ignore the recall

You can take up a job offer…
with cultural challenges
from an inferior designation
as a temporary staff
without a designated post
without a defined earning

You are on holidays but your help is needed at work. So you…
cut short your holiday and resume work
offer your services from a distance
demand a compensation before offering your service
refer the matter to another staff
object to further interference

You enjoyed a meal so much so you…
bit your tongue
stained your clothing
forgot you had eaten the last piece
forgot to drink
overpaid the waiter

The last time your felt tears of joy were… 
one week ago
one month ago
one year ago
I can't remember

You can be so excited about sports that you…
scream your head off
hug a stranger sitting next to you
wet your pants
forget where you are for a minute
miss out on an appointment

You are passionate about…
your work
your dreams

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