
Friday, 8 January 2016

Be Amazed By What Drives You!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 24

DAY 24

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of Day 30.

PART THREE - Para b - Purposefulness

Holiday is a time to…
relax the mind and body
reflect and generate new ideas
share with loved ones
amend strained relations
make more money elsewhere

If you wrote a book, how would it end?
Sweet; with a motivation to act
In suspense; left to the reader's thoughtful imaginations 
Happy; arousing a fantasy
Funny; entertaining the reader
In tragedy; with a life lesson to heed

You would choose a place to work based on…
your believes
humanitarian themes
effectiveness or productivity
the pay check

In ball games, the best fun goals are…
the last minute decisive goal
the equalizing goal
the most impressive goal scored
a self conceded goal
the penalty goals

When you acquire all the wealth you would ever need, you would…
still strive to create new ideas
still strive to employ  many others
strive to make more wealth
stop striving and spread the wealth
stop striving and spend for your pleasure

In your life goals, the best scored is…
the most decisive one
the most encompassing one
the biggest one
the well laid out one
the unexpected one

You would welcome a retirement when…
you are no longer productive or creative
you no longer enjoy the job
you start making a lot of errors
you have saved up enough money
somebody can fund your needs

If you had one month to live, you would…
do something to be remembered for
make peace with God and man
spend more time with family
update your will
retire to a quiet life

You would rather die …
taking supplies to refugees in a conflict zone
shielding a child in a storm
protecting a loved one from a bear attack
overcoming a phobia
at peace in your sleep

Your best friend has one day to live…
you would grant him/her a last wish
you would take  him/her sight seeing
you would listen to all he/she has to say
you would paint a portrait of him/her
you would pass the time by his/her side

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