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Monday, 4 January 2016

Get to Know Yourself a Little More!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 14

DAY 14

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART TWO - Para a - Individuality

If you went blind today…
you would still assert that the sun exists
you could imagine the sun's brightness
you could appreciate the rising and setting of the sun
you could feel the sun's warmth
you would not assert that the sun exists

Human rights should...
defend the helpless
check mate the bullies
reverse old fashion ideologies
free you to live as you will
make the rules of God disappear

You know there are other planetary bodies in space because…
some people have seen them in the night skies
you read/ heard non-science stories of such in space
science teaches their existence
you saw pictures of some planetary bodies
you can't see the planetary bodies so they do not exist

keeps order and should be obeyed
should be vested on only responsible persons
should be exercised in truth
belong to your class of persons only
should be despised, even God

God exists…
even though you do not see Him
because you have experienced a miracle
only in man's imagination
as the science "big-bang theory"
as you

What first lesson on love would you wish to engrave on a newborn's heart?
Love God
Love your neighbor
Love yourself
Love good and hate evil
Love only those who love you

The noblest course in life is risking all in…
service to God
service to humanity 
pursuit of knowledge
proclaiming your ideology
establishing a new era

If by chance you found out that heaven was real…
you would believe in God
you would do all it takes to be there
you would tell everyone about it
you would make a deal with the angels
you couldn't care less

If there were no law, neither good nor evil…
the world would be in total chaos
it would be survival of the fittest
there will be no violation of human rights
all humans will live freely like animals
the world will be a better place

If by chance you also found out that hell was real…
you would fear God
you would do all you can to escape there
you would warn everyone about it
you would make a deal with the devil
you couldn't careless

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