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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Get to Know Yourself a Little More!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 17

DAY 17

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART TWO - Para a - Individuality

You need a favor from your boss, so you…
present your case fairly and hope you are favored
go an extra mile to be favored
take advantage of a common point of interest to present your issue
go through your boss' soft link to present your issue
flatter your boss to be favored

While growing up you…
confronted bullies
fought back when bullied
avoided bullies
liked to see someone bullied
were often bullied

You accidentally stepped on baby's thumb, so you…
pick baby up and soothe the hurting thumb
pick baby up and give a warm hug
pick baby up and give to mum to pacify
give baby a pop to stop the screaming 
stoop down and "hush" the screaming

In error, your bank account was credited with a fortune! So you…
notify the bank immediately for correction
investigate its source before reporting the error
take out a large  part of the fortune before reporting the error
wait a while for any succedents before taking the fortune
take out all the fortune and close the account

You offended your friend, so you…
render an apology and try to make up for it
send a mutual friend to render an apology on your behalf
await his/ her reaction before rendering your apology
ignore your fault and pick a quarrel
insist on you being right

You saw a passerby accidentally drop a wallet by the side walk, so you…
call out for his/ her attention
inform the security agent on guard
take the wallet to the media house yourself for a possible reward
look at the contents of the wallet before making a report
remove contents from the wallet and leave it on the side walk

You turned 18 years and your first thought was…
to adopt a mature view of life
to do away with your childish appearance
to throw a grand party
to engage in an infamous adult-reserved habit (like smoking or alcohol drinking or night clubbing)
to explore your sexuality

By a stroke of luck, you find an ancient money chest buried in your garden! So you.. 
report the discovery to the law enforcement agent
publish the story in the papers
privately investigate its origin
hide it in your safe deposit box
take the gold coins and disappear

If you won a jackpot, you would…
invest the money to generate more wealth
set aside some funds to fulfill your dreams
put up a donor agency for charity work
build your paradise home
keep the funds locked up in a safe for later

At your institution, you…
hardly go against the rules
break the rules when in a jam
have an equal chance of either breaking or keeping the rules
often break the rules
always get punished for breaking the rules

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