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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Assess Your Competency in Just 30 days!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY SIX

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.
Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of the 30 days.

PART ONE - Factor x - Knowledge

You dismantle an unfamiliar gadget, and you…
are able to put it back without much thinking
are able to put it back after much considerations
are able to put it back after a few bad attempts
are able to put it back after several bad attempts
are unable to put it back on your own

From past experiences you have learnt that…
quality of work is better then quantity
time should be used effectively to balance out both quality and quantity of work
quantity is more rewarding than quality of work
quality can be conveniently imitated
you can evade responsibility for poor quality work

At a jig-saw puzzle…
you get it right after a first blind attempt
you get it right at first attempt with a model to guide
you get it right at first attempt with an observing critic
you get it right at first attempt by team work
you never get it right the first time

Experience has taught you to…
express yourself in your work and to reflect your work in your living
put living above work
balance time spent between work and living
completely separate your work from your living
have two different personalities for work and living

From a past experience you learned to…
focus on the positive
reject the negative
believe in yourself
avoid "déjà vu" experiences
withdraw from most activities

If you were an employer…
you would make available emergency funds for employees with home challenges
you would give time out for employees to settle home challenges
you would give a listening ear to your employees' home challenges
you would consider your employee's home challenges crucial to the success at work
you would demand your employees separate home challenges from the work place

You have learned to expand your productivity by…
improving on your major achievements
reversing major mistakes
repeating your main achievement
collaborating with somebody more productive
celebrating your achievements

You believe that work place productivity can be improved by… 
freedom of expression
regular training and retraining 
regular welfare packages
days of rest
regular reshuffling of duty post

You consider a promotion as…
an opportunity to improve on yourself
a good reward for your labor and "a grease to your elbow"
a boost to your social security
an uneasy stage of new responsibilities
a push to do more work

You have learnt to…
earn the trust of others
influence the trust of others
trust others first before asking for their trust
manipulate the trust of others
command the trust of others

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