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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Be Amazed By What Drives You!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 25

DAY 25

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of Day 30.

PART THREE - Para b - Purposefulness

You feel drawn to which cutlery?
Table knife
Table fork
Table spoon
Fruit fork

You always fall victim to which of these wise sayings?
"Don't count your chicken before they are hatched"
"Look before you leap"
"You lie on your bed the way you made it"
"Make hay while the sun shines"
"The early bird gets the fattest worm"

If you were to be in a ball game, what place would you play?
A striker
A defender
A mid field player
A goal keeper
A reserve player

Which of these wise sayings motivates you most?
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"
"The journey of a thousand miles begin with one step"
"Take one day at a time"
"Behind every cloud is a silver lining"
"The darkest hour comes just before dawn"

You are self inspired without a mentor
You can be inspired by a distant mentor 
You require a present mentor to be inspired
You are inspired by a very close acquaintance
You require several mentors to be inspired

Which fairy tale character best resonates with you? 
"The Midas's touch"
"A knight in shining armor"
"Pinocchio the wooden boy"
"A damsel in distress"
"Sleeping beauty"
You aspire to be the ideal personality your mind creates
You aspire to be like a legend in history
You aspire to be like someone currently living
You aspire to be like someone you are acquainted with
You aspire to be like a fairy tale hero

A tennis champion just lost a dominant arm. You think…
he/she can still be a tennis champion using the other arm
he/she can be a champion in another sport
he/she can play with a prosthesis but will not be a champion
he/she can be a tennis coach
he/she should try other non-sportive hobbies

At group activities…
You always volunteer to be a leader
You are always chosen as leader
Sometimes you lead the group
You prefer not to lead
You never want to lead

A very promising gymnast just had a morbid spinal cord injury. You think…
he/she should find happiness doing a wheel chair sport
he/she should help other gymnasts avoid the same technical mistake by writing about it
he/she should join a spinal cord injury group therapy
he/she should seek psychotherapy to get out of depression
he/she should resign to a quiet lifestyle

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