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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Be Amazed By What Drives You!! Take 10 questions each day, and leave your comments. DAY 26

DAY 26

Add up your scores by the numeric value of each answer you select (1 - 5) and note it for each day.

Send your comment with your score using your chosen name. Free consultations for the KCA score interpretation will be done at the end of Day 30.

PART THREE - Para b - Purposefulness
If you are paid half your worth, you would… 
put in your best and make an impression of your worth
work hard in order to ask for a raise
do only what is required of you
explore other means of supplementing your income
put in less effort and seek out a better offer

Futuristic inventions…
are as variant as man's imaginations
will need to keep up with man's curiosities
will need to counter man's inadequacies
could usher us back to the stone age
is nothing new under the sun

You can work more than ten years at a job if…
you are productive and feel fulfilled
you are living your dream
you can improve on yourself
it is a family business
you cannot be employed elsewhere

What could be the coolest invention ever?
Teleport from one planet to another
Time travel (back and forth)
Physical rejuvenation of the human body
Super powers from gene mutations
Rapture of humans to celestial homes
Which of these could you possibly achieve?
A lone survival in a desert for one week
A lone survival on an island for two years
A lone survival in a tropical forest for three weeks
A lone survival under the  debris of a collapsed building for three days
A lone survival adrift the open sea for two days 

Inventors in history succeeded because…
they asked one too many questions
they never stopped trying
they were open minded people
they didn't have to memorize other people's voluminous work
there were not too many inventions then
If you had an incredible idea that people scorned at, you would…
proceed to explore it undauntedly
proceed to explore it with someone who believes in it
retreat to reflect on the idea before proceeding to explore it
conserve the idea in a "cooler" for the moment
dump the idea completely

The best inventions of today succeed because…
some people are born geniuses
man craves to dominate other men
there is plenty of resources to employ
machine do most of the mega fashioning and mega assembling  
artificial intelligence  is employed
If you had an obvious disability, you would…
adapt it as a new ideology
take advantage of an aid to fill in the deficit
try to correct it to as near normal as possible
try to make it less obvious
withdraw from any circumstance that makes it obvious
are people who do extra ordinary things
are those who believe in themselves enough to excel beyond the expected
are born out of adversity
are early starters groomed to succeed
are not the only inventors

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